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  • Parish Hall

Book the Hall

Please telephone Elsie on 01228 675336 to discuss booking arrangements.  

Conditions of Hire

  1. The person booking the hall is responsible for the safety of all the people using the premises for which the booking was made.
  2. The person booking the hall(and other responsible adults) must familiarise themselves with the location of emergency exits and action to be taken in the event of a fire.
  3. The Parish Hall Committee is not liable for any accident, injury or loss of property, however caused. All accidents/incidents must be recorded and reported to the Hall Committee (Tel: 01228 675336). Those who are responsible for the event book must ensure that adequate Insurance cover is available to cover these risks.
  4. Children are not permitted in the kitchen unless for supervised activity and at least one adult is present at all times.
  5. Respect should be paid to the hall fabric, furniture and kitchen equipment/facilities.
  6. Early access to the hall for event preparation is at the discretion of the Committee at the time of booking. Such access should not interfere with others using the hall.
  7. The Hall Committee reserve the right or refuse or cancel any event for whatever reason
  8. When the event is finished:-Tables and chairs must be cleaned and stacked away tidily. Electrical equipment and heating must be tuned off. The Kitchen is cleaned and taps turned off. The hall is clean and all lights are turned off especially in the toilets. All doors and windows are closed and the hall is left secure.